"MASS took my music school from 0 students to over 4,000! We achieved success very quickly with the program. When we joined we grew to a phenomenal 370 students in just 8 months! MASS has helped us tremendously in how to organize our business, promote and market the business and retain students. Our success is a testament to Marty's guidance on helping you achieve your goals. From detailed insight on day to day business dealings to bringing the "big picture" into focus, MASS gives you the tools you need to bring your vision to a reality. We couldn't have done it without Marty!"
Zeljko Pavlovic
Vivaldi Music Academy

"We've been with MASS since 2017, and have not looked back! We started in 2017 with 4 students, and as of today (end of 2021) we are sitting at almost 550 students, and growth is still steady. We'd recommend MASS to anyone looking to grow their teaching business, as well as offer a better product to their students!"
James Zeck
Lethbridge Music Academy

"I had been running a music school for over 10 years before I discovered MASS. Things were great for the first several years but then our student numbers began to decline. No matter what I did, year after year we lost more students than we gained. I was teaching 6 days a week until late at night and I couldn’t see any way out. Joining MASS opened up my mind to new ideas and better (much better) ways to run my music school. And I am finally getting more time for my wife and 2 sons. Thank you MASS! Thank you, Marty! My life is forever changed."
James Franczek
Academy Of Music

Thanks to the Music Academy Success System (MASS), in 2021, we started with 540 clients and ended the year with 742 reaching $1.25 Million in gross sales! I have a large support group to share ideas, ask questions, and get inspiration. I am a phone call away from Marty, the MASS owner, for any questions/issues I encounter as a business owner. The knowledge I learn each week gives me more and more confidence in everything I do. Why do you not have a mentor with experience guiding you in the same field your business is part of? Join MASS. It's worth every minute of your time.
Camille Hastings
Leading Note Studios

When I found MASS online, I was desperate for a way to stop funding my business through my day job and was tired of all the waiting to get my business to be successful. I spent a lot of time crossing my fingers and hoping that things would improve over time. The resources and step by step guides have been incredible and it is so good to network with other people in the same situation. I feel like I can breathe again and can’t say thank you enough for bringing back my drive, hope for my music school, and peace of mind!
Talonda Thomas, PhD
New York Musicians Center

I used to stress about Summer student drops and having to worry about constant reschedules. I also had no idea how to get more students outside of just word-of-mouth. But now, with MASS, that's all a distant memory! This program has literally saved me YEARS of trial-and-error trying to figure out how to correctly manage and organize many of the daily issues in our business and the marketing knowledge I have gained is second to none! I personally can't thank Marty enough for his wisdom, guidance, and motivation to help our school become the absolute best that it can be!
Tim Benson
Music Academy of Acadiana

I couldn't imagine operating a music school without MASS. Marty Fort and his staff are so on top of everything that is happening in our industry and business in general. The conferences are out of this world awesome. We get to meet studio owners from all over the country and learn so much from them as well as the speakers. Whenever I feel overwhelmed I just have to go on our Facebook page and I get a shot of positive, constructive advice. MASS is a must for music studio owners.
Lynn Maher
Onalaska Music Academy

I’m excited to say we exceeded our April goal and had 23 registrations that brought us to 156 - 4 over our anticipated monthly goal!! Yippy! We’ve beaten our goals every month so far this year! Registrations have stayed in the 20’s each month - never happened this consistently before. All those systems, SEO, Google Ads, playing in the Ponds...On our way to 200!
Brittany Bennett
Cappella Music Academy

We can’t say thank you enough to Marty, his amazing staff, and of course the MASSTERS. Because of you, we have been able to take our father’s legacy to new levels. From 250 to 700 in under 3 years with MASS our journey is just getting started. We are truly blessed to be a part of this incredible MASS family!
Francis Rios
Westminster Arts Academy

We had the biggest revenue in 10 years of MFAA operations during the slowest summer month for our industry. Words cannot express how extremely grateful we are to be part of the MASS Program. I couldn’t fit in one page all the improvements that MASS has made not only for my school but also for me as a person. Marty is a business genius, and I wish I had a coach like him 10 years ago.
Alesya Burgio
Miami Fine Arts Academy

We have only been with MASS for a short time, but have already experienced a tremendous amount of growth, and I've seen improved efficiency in our studios. I have been impressed from the beginning with the straight-forward approach that Marty gives in his calls. It also can't go without saying how helpful Alexis is. She responds to every question without hesitation, and she is very detailed in her delivery of answering questions. Overall, I have been pleased and impressed with my involvement with MASS.
Mitchell Mcginnis
601 Studios Music and Arts Academy

Before I joined MASS, I felt stuck. My school of music had experienced modest growth. I was in charge of the office, marketing and managing teachers yet not seeing the results I wanted. I was working myself to death. In 2016 when I joining MASS, we had 280 students. Here we are, 5 years later and we have over 700 students, two office staff, a new 4,000 sq ft building and we are considering a second location. MASSive growth comes from being part of the MASS program! Thanks, Marty Fort for helping me reach my dream!
Russ Porter
Rockwall School Of Music

I’m a new guy... just a little over a month into MASS now. I attended the MASS conference and since I’ve been back from the conference (best time and money investment I’ve made in a long, long time) I’ve been dedicated to implementing the system and best practices I picked up from other attendees. Thank you to Marty and the staff and everyone who took the time at the conference to listen to my story or share helpful insights with me. I am truly inspired by this community and look forward to collaborating with you.
Dru Rabin
St. Pete Music, Acting, & Dance

I started as a reluctant Mass member - was a gold member for a year without really doing much with it. After all, I’d had my studio since 2005. Could this Marty guy really know more than me? Well...in 2016 we grossed 86K. 2017 (only going full MASS in September of that year) saw an increase to 127K. Closed the books on 2018 grossing 281K!
As many say, MASS works! Its methods, and maybe even more importantly, its people are what helped me have this killer year. Forever grateful!
Bryan Cady
Guilderland Music Academy

MASS gives you the tools and techniques along with proven concepts and strategies that cover every aspect of operating and marketing a successful music studio. Our enrollment has increased by 175% and our income has increased over 300% in the first year of MASS. Joining the MASS team is the best business decision I have ever made. Marty’s personal attention and guidance are first class! Thank you, Marty!
Jim Skelton
Conway Institute Of Music

This is the first summer ever that I am not freaking out because of summer dropouts! For every student taking a break, I am quickly replacing them with students I have gained through MASS style marketing. And boy does it feel good!
Denise Thompson
Crosby Music Academy

Our enrollment when we started with MASS was under 300. Since then we have more than doubled that to over 600 and our way to solid 700. Marty and his team are fantastic at helping both small and large music schools grow quickly, if that's what you want. We have met so many wonderful, " like-minded " people at the yearly conferences. The principles and ideas we have learnt over the years are invaluable. So thank you Marty and the MASS system for keeping us motivated, informed and staying ahead the curve.
Raquel & Maurice Kelley
Franklin Brentwood Arts Academy

I am excited to report that less than a month after becoming a diamond member, we have a record-breaking number of new students thus far in May (26 so far), over 100 FB page likes in 2 weeks, and more enthusiasm in our business from teachers and students alike. Thank you, Marty and all other members for your support. I truly believe we will reach our potential in 12-18 months. I’m exhausted but thrilled to see the growth and excitement!
Wendy Dewey Cottingham
Colorado Music Institute

MASS's sequential system of marketing from the inside out has completely revolutionized how we acquire new students. Easy-to-follow lists and understanding the power of student retention are essential for every music school who wants to reach their ultimate capacity. I HIGHLY recommend.
Jim Korakis
Tulsa Arts Academy

So proud to announce I have added 115 new students this January, surpassing my personal goal of 50. In one of the most personally challenging months of my life, I woke up and decided to put everything I have into growing the school for 30 days. I have grown the ballet school from zero to 250 students in less than 2 years, and our music side is 300 now putting us over 500 total in under 3 years. It all started with a now coffee-stained MASS blue-book, and I stand today giving complete credit to the system, the mentors and Marty.
Zoë Schommer
RBR Muzik

I joined MASS in 2014 for my private guitar teaching business, and it brought success in building my private studio to numbers that had eluded me for years. We opened with 44 students from my previous business, and today we are sitting at 397. That's an increase of 350 in enrollment in just 2 and a half-years. This kind of massive growth would have been impossible without MASS. I have learned so much from MASS, there simply isn't enough space to go over it in a review. Suffice it to say, it is easily the best investment I have ever made.
James Flood
James Flood Guitar Lessons

I am excited to announce Fall River Arts Academy has set a record for our largest enrollment month yet! December’s numbers are in! 40 enrollments, 16 drops, that’s a gain of 24. When Andrea was at the office staff conference just over a month ago we had 197 active students, right now we’re at 244. Thanks to the direction and motivation you all have given me I now have the ability to do some MASS kicking. 300 here we come!
Todd Salpietro
Fall River Arts Academy

We started with MASS back in 2015 with 380 students. Taking into consideration all the ups and downs for almost two years of uncertainty during the Pandemic, we are at 530 students today and counting. For the months of September, October and November we signed 172 students. MASS not only helped us to get through this challenging time but built us stronger and more resilient to whatever comes. Thank you, Marty and your incredible team.
Vadim Koltsov
Mississauga Fine Arts Academy

Studio space is full on Monday through Thursdays. In March of 2018 when I joined MASS we had 90 students, now, 15 months later we have 196. We have no place to expand here as far as studios go. We plan to accelerate our growth this year with more experience at retention and marketing!
Mike Middleton
Indianapolis Music Academy

I just finished my January numbers, and I think we may be looking at our strongest year yet. Across all programs, we had 137 adds, 52 drops, for a net gain of 85 students in January. And heck, on Saturday, we enrolled 13 new students in spite of the phones and the internet being down all day (thank you Comcast) by using paper and pens, having Comcast forward calls to my cell, + turning our cell phones into hotspots so we could get on the internet to check open spots. So Feb is off and running too! Thanks, MASS!!!
Nancy Stelter Johnston
Cy-Fair Music And Arts

My 12-year-old son enjoys cooking. He’s 12, and really enjoys doing things for himself. But yesterday he spilled a boiling pot of noodles for pasta salad he was making on his belly and got 2nd-degree burns. He’ll be ok, and it will heal. Why am I telling you this? Because not 1 thought has been towards my business for 24 hours. I’ve been able to devote the entirety of my concentration on my son and my family (3 kids). My staff runs the show whether I’m available or not. I work from home these days and they have been well trained. The principles learned in this program enabled my businesss to grow to this point.
Jim Beaver
Jim Beaver’s School Of Music

I am so thrilled with my purchase of MASS for my private piano business, LV Music Academy in New York City. In just the first few days, I have gotten more helpful information and practical tips than I have from any other music business program I have ever taken. I have gotten so many fresh creative ideas for student retention and growing my clients. I cannot thank you enough and am so looking forward to continuing to learn through MASS and to continue to see all of the many benefits it has for my students and my business.
Lydia Velichkovski
LV Music Academy

Well, I had my doubts, but you have given me information that I can use that I wasn’t getting elsewhere or finding on my own. It really only takes one good idea that you can implement to pay for the cost of the program and I found several things that I could put in place right off the bat.
Steve South
Frisco School of Music

We weathered the COVID-19 storm thanks to Marty Fort and MASS. We added musical ladder system this year and everyone loves it. Despite occasional set backs we have gone from 12 students when we started with MASS (5 yrs ago) to 270 this year, from 5 teachers to fifteen, from 5 studio rooms to 9. I'm so grateful for marty's mentorship. Our goal is to blow past 300 students this spring. Thanks MASS!
Vickie Craw
Logan Music Academy

We are excited to announce that after signing up 10 new students on Monday we have broken the 300 mark for a total today of 304. We were at 263 on the 1’st of June. Thank you, Marty and all my Mass family for your support.
Ted Brooks
Lancaster Music

I am SO HAPPY to announce that as of Thursday my Academy hit 100 students! I’ve got my recitals booked, all events in place, interviews, and new teachers hired and on stand by. I just got a personal assistant to help me, my school is going to be featured on Philadelphia Fox News this coming Monday (students' performance and short interview), AND I just booked a hotel and airfare for the MASS Conference! I did it - I beat my temporary weakness and getting stronger with each little step forward! thanks for reading it!
Izabela Adams
South Jersey Music Academy

One of the universal problems in the private music teaching business is year-round student retention – this especially frustrated us every Summer! Up until this year, every summer we would always shy away from marketing and just expect a huge loss. This year after following Marty’s approach and detailed lesson plans for running a successful “year-round” school of music, our summer gross profit increased by $31,675.87 – up 14.8% from last June-August. Whether you have a large school with hundreds of students or are an independent teacher – these methods work and have been invaluable to us. Thanks, Marty!
Ryan P. Cullen
Louisiana Academy of Performing Arts

I’m going over my January 2019 numbers and I am ecstatic! We enrolled 77 students and only lost 21. Definitely, a record for TFAA on both enroll and withdrawals for January. We were hoping to crack 500 students, but we actually reached 550. I had to triple check the numbers as I couldn’t believe my eyes. I just want to keep growing and stay on top in my area. Thank you MASS for giving me the tools to succeed. And thank you to all of you for helping me to see “Yes It is possible to achieve MASSIVE growth”!
Larry Bigel
Tampa Fine Arts Academy
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